The activities of the year started with a webinar on the 10th of February celebrating the 50th anniversary of Sweden-Bangladesh bilateral and diplomatic relations. The theme was “Bangladesh business trading and investments in 2022”. Among the speakers were the Ambassadors from Sweden and Bangladesh as well as members of SBBC.
After a welcome speech by the President of SBBC, the Ambassador of Sweden to Bangladesh, Ms. Alexandra Berg von Linde, and the Ambassador of Bangladesh to Sweden, Mr. Nazmul Islam, presented their perspectives and reflections on the diplomatic relations between Sweden and Bangladesh in the light of 50 years of cooperation and informed the audience about the Embassies’ plans for the celebrations during 2022.
The event continued with some of the members presenting their experiences and lessons learned on the theme “Bangladesh business trading and investments in 2022”. Many valuable and positive thoughts were shared with the audience and numerous business activities had been planned.
To view, more pictures from the seminar click here >>