The online event organized by SBBC on 9th June was great, providing excellent information about Bangladesh as a market for Swedish businesses and industries focused on green-tech and Sustainable Development Goals.
Representatives from Swedish and Bangladesh Embassies, Swedish Foreign Ministry, Business Sweden and the Nordic Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bangladesh (NCCIB) were among the audience.
Mizanur Khan, president of the Council, welcomed H.E. Ambassador Alexandra Berg von Linde and all participants. He moderated the event. There is a trend of investing in green business and SBBC is getting new members within these areas. Mizanur invited all participating to present themselves and their companies. The presentation showed the strength of the council that acted as a knowledge bank, supporting the development of our individual businesses and sharing knowledge and creating opportunities through networking. He introduced the speakers of the event; H.E. Ambassador Alexandra Berg von Linde, Mr Anders Tofte and Mr Pawan Tahlani from Business Sweden at the India office in New Delhi. Mizanur mentioned that the Swedish Embassy in Dhaka and Business Sweden play a vital role for development and introduction of Swedish businesses in Bangladesh.
H.E. Ambassador Alexadra Berg von Linde started with an update about the current situation in Bangladesh and went on to talk about “What are the opportunities for sustainable Swedish Green Business in Bangladesh” She inspired the audience.
Anders Tofte in his presentation walked us through the current trend of sustainability as the business model, which is growing. He expressed his optimism about the opportunities in the South Asian market, which have already taken off. Pawan Tahlani gave his presentation about the market, strategies and Business Sweden’s analysis about the opportunities within green business. He presented current initiatives to bring new projects and business to Bangladesh.
Jens Helmersson, co-founder of Quizrr gave a short brief of their valuable work in Asia and Bangladesh. Jens mentioned the increasing need for Quizrr’s engaging digital training tools for supply chain workers when onsite training/audits are not possible or safe This became especially apparent during the pandemic. Because of this, they recently did a project with ETI and 7 member brands and their suppliers in the hope of establishing a more resilient garment sector that collaborates to increase Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) practices, which remain viable during crises, such as the Covid-19 pandemic. With over 30 000 workers trained (workers, middle-managers, manager), some of the results are that workers experience a safer working environment and at least 700 factory managers demonstrating increased OHS awareness and knowledge on Covid-19 safety precautions. Here is a link to the full report: In addition to this, they are launching the smartphone solution in Bangladesh, an app where users can keep Quizrr’s premium learning contents in their pockets and access them when they want. The idea is to enable continued learning journeys for workers everywhere.
Mizanur said SBBC will try to organize a separate event focusing on SDG-related business after the summer.
Finally, the Ambassador Alexandra and Mizanur thanked all participants and wished for a nice summer and also requested to stay safe.
Please find recorded video from the event:
- A short version > Click here>>
- A full version > Click here>>
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Please enjoy some of the photos from the event: