SBBC is delighted to invite its members and network to our third Executive Lounge session this year.
We are proud to present our two Ambassadors – His Excellency Mehdi Hasan, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Sweden and Her Excellency Ms Alexandra Berg von Linde, Ambassador of Sweden to Bangladesh. They will give us an update on their respective countries’ priorities for trade, business, sustainability and bi-lateral relations.
Their speeches will be followed by Swedish Radio’s correspondent Ms Naila Saleem who will share her thoughts on the situation in Bangladesh from her perspective as a journalist and give a brief comparison with other South Asian countries. There will also be time for questions from the audience. Some drinks and finger food will be served.
Date: Monday the 11th of September 2023, 17:30 – 20:00
17:30 – 18:00 Registration and mingle
18:00 – 18:05 Welcome by SBBC’s President Ms. Nathalie Tranefeldt
18:05 – 18:25 HE Mr Mehdi Hasan, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Sweden
18:25 – 18:45 HE Ms Alexandra Berg von Linde, Ambassador of Sweden to Bangladesh
18:45 – 18:55 Ms Naila Saleem, journalist Swedish Radio, correspondent covering Bangladesh
18:55 – 19:10 Discussion and Q&A session
19:10 – 20:00 Refreshments and networking
Venue: Scandic no 53, Kungsgatan 53, Stockholm. Seats are limited!
Registration closes at 17:00 on 7th September 2023. Register by sending an e-mail with your
Name, Company and Phone Number to Please also note if your company is a
Member of SBBC. Fees: Free for Members, Non-members pay SEK 200.
Cancellation: Not later than 10th of September by email to or phone
073-0868378. Note that SBBC applies a “No-Show” fee of SEK 300 in case of non-attendance
and if we have not received a cancellation notice as per above.
Become a member? – Register here online
Warmly welcome!