On February 16 SBBC organized a breakfast seminar, at Svensk Handel, Regeringsgatan 60, about business opportunities and financial support possibilities in export business activities to Bangladesh. Great interest, more than 30 SBBC members and potential members participated.
After introduction from the Chairman of the Board, Mizanur Khan, representatives from Tillväxtverket: Karin Bengtsson; Swedfund International: Nils Marck v. Würtenberg and EKN: Johan Dahl talked about how to get initial financial support, as well as how to secure business contracts for companies, when the operations have started in Bangladesh which was highly appreciated by the audience.
To complete the information and the picture about business opportunities Bangladesh, Anna Ross from Business Sweden, delivered updated information about the country and some very good and useful advices to export companies, for future business activities in the country.
For members who could not attend this breakfast seminar, but want to receive more information, please, send a mail to SBBC: info@sbbc.se . We will then take contact and return with the requested information.
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