The SBBC Chairman of the Board Mr. Mizanur Khan opened the meeting and wished H. E. Ambassador Mr. Md. Nazmul Islam, as well as all the audience warmly welcome.
The theme of the day was to describe the today business possibilities and to highlight the vast opportunities in the IT sector of Bangladesh and who the knowledge of this can ultimately help companies scaling up their business.
In his presentation the Ambassador first mentioned the deep, positive and also very important co-operation with Sweden and SBBC.
Then he pointed out some specific interesting and especially 4 crucial parts useful for future business opportunities. Bangladesh is now one of the world’s fastest growing economies.
- The garment industry is the second in the world and is increasing with stable 16% each year.
- Bangladesh has a very young work force – half the population is under 25 years old and adapt very quickly new technologies and the digital power.
- Bangladesh has the world’s second large number of IT – freelancers, who are fast moving towards a knowledge-based society diversifying in building up its own tech hub in Dhaka.
- 100 special economic zones are being developed to attract investments, which will help the country to stay in the economic growth with 8% p.a.
One vision is to be the ”Digital Bangladesh” in 2021.
And with all the will and the IT – knowledge, the possibilities to reach all goals in development in the near future are looking very good.
Today there are more than 100 software houses, 35 data entry centers, thousands of formal and informal IT trainings centers and numerous of computer shops.
In 2020 a possible IT Fair in Stockholm is planned in co-operation with SBBC, which can be an opened door to spread the knowledge of Bangladesh as a very interesting IT country for Swedish companies, partners and investors.
For the first time in a SBBC seminar, we could also arrange the video connection with Dhaka, where ICT in Bangladesh, represented online from Ms. Farhana A. Rahman, CEO & Chairperson in UY Systems Ltd and Senior Vice President BASIS, presented an interested view of the ongoing activities firstly with Norway
and now also with some Danish companies.
Although, the interest of some increasing activities with some Swedish IT – companies in the next year, is very high.
ICT will also present some export policies, which are directly focused to 32 different countries next year.
A delegation from Bangladesh to Sweden in this business area is planned for 2020 and ICT look forward to work together with e.g. SBBC in this activity.
Online was also our member of the board, Mrs. Natalie Tranefeldt representing Hifab International in Bangladesh.
In the final presentation Mr. Khan described the IT – possibilities in Bangladesh from the Swedish point of view. He has also thanked the audience and the connected representatives in Dhaka.
Stockholm 2019-11-15
Christer Dyrwoold
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