You are invited to the seminar on “Bangladesh – The growth of the market from 2020 – actual trends and views” on February 26, 2020, 08.30 at Svensk Handel, Regeringsgatan 60, Stockholm.
What trends and activities are we supposed to expect in Bangladesh in 2020 and the coming years thereafter? This seminar will give some current information and also open up for questions and discussions of different business opportunities and possibilities.
February 26, 2020, 08.30 – 10.30
08.30 Registration, breakfast and mingle
08:50 Welcome – Mizanur will also give more information about and reflections from, the in February completed, BASIS SoftExpo 2020 in Bangladesh – Mizanur Khan, CEO, Bangladesh Business AB
09:10 Anneli Wengelin from the Swedish Board of Trade (Kommerskollegium), will talk about potential effects for Bangladesh after the LDC status disappears and inform about the plans for a mutual cooperation project, between the National Board of Trade and the Government of Bangladesh.
09.30 Johan Fredriksson from EKN (Exportkreditnämnden), will present the today Swedish trade situation to Bangladesh, as also the trade development and he will also give us the picture of the today risk situation in the trade business with Bangladesh.
09.50 Anna Långström from EKN (Exportkreditnämnden) and Joakim Tornberg, from SEK (AB Svensk Exportkredit) will tell us about how their work in EKN and also in SEK, is organised and how the Swedish export credit system works on the market, also aimed to SME – companies
10.10 Q & A and mingle
Please register here online, Click>>>. Register latest February 20, 2020. Seats are limited!
Become a member? Register here online click>>
Cancellation: Not later than February 24 on mailto or telephone 0730868378 Coming up : AGM and Bangla dinner on June 2, 2020 at 16.00 | Note: SBBC applies a “No Show” fee of SEK 300 in case of non-attendance and if we have not received a cancellation notice 48 hr before the event. Fees: Free for members and non-member 100 sek |