On the 16th June 2017 Business Dialogue meeting had been held in Stockholm Sweden in conjunction with H.E. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina´s and her business delegation’s three-days-visit to Sweden. Team Sweden (Embassy of Sweden in Dhaka, Business Sweden and Sweden-Bangladesh Business Council) has organized this even Business Dialogue. This is the first-ever bilateral visit by any head of government or state of Bangladesh to Sweden.
A memorandum of understanding, MOU has been signed between Sweden-Bangladesh business council (SBBC) and Nordic Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bangladesh (NCCI) during the meeting . MOU signed by the President of SBBC Mr. Mizanur Khan and Director of NCCI Mr. Gustaf Asp. This MoU will strengthen the relations between the organizations in the favor of its members, networks and business communities.
Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on her address to the participants said “ Let’s become partners” and inspired Swedish companies to join Bangladesh in its economic transformation. She has also given a brief outline of what Bangladesh has to offer for foreign investors.
Pictures from the event, click here>>>>
#SBBC in #Sweden and # NCCI in #Bangladesh! @sr_nyheter @ttnyhetsbyran @Nyheter24 @dagensindustri @bdnews24com