Local time in Dhaka (Bangladesh Standard Time, GMT+6)
15.00 Welcome remarks by Ambassador Alexandra Berg von Linde,
Embassy of Sweden in Dhaka
Part 1: Update from Team Sweden
15.05 Introduction of the New Head of Political, Trade and Communication Section,
Anna Svantesson
15.10 Update on Sweden-Bangladesh Business Guide and preparation of 50 years celebration 2022
15.15 Presentation by Business Sweden, Ajay Sachdeva, Frontier Market Manager, Business Sweden
15.25 Update by Sweden Bangladesh Business Council (SBBC), Nathalie Tranefeldt, President
15.35 Update from Nordic Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Bangladesh (NCCI), Tahrin Amin, President
15.45 General Discussion, Q&A
Part 2: Update from Swedish companies on current situation – challenges and opportunities
15.55 Current challenges and opportunities- presentation by Tetrapak
16.05 New opportunities in post-covid-19, presentation by Hifab
16.15 Discussion between Swedish companies and Team Sweden
16.30 Wrap up
This event was an introduction of Anna Svantesson, First Secretary – Political, Trade and Communication Section, with the companies and the other counterparts of Team Sweden. From Embassy side, the development of the Sweden Bangladesh Business guide 2022-23 and SEBD50 was mentioned.
This was a part of the plan to meet the Swedish companies quarterly. The event gave all an opportunity to meet as a team for trade promotion in the new normal situation. As team Sweden we will be able to listen to the stories from all our counterparts including, Nordic chamber, Business Sweden, and Sweden Bangladesh Business Council. During the meeting, the Swedish companies were able to share their current situation, challenges faced and plans to cope in the future.
The event provided us with current information on the ground and the way forward in post Covid situation. This will encourage discussions of different business opportunities and possibilities and how we as a team will face the new normal, together with celebrating SEBD50 collaboratively.