The Sweden-Bangladesh Business Council (SBBC) held its 12th Annual General Meeting on Thursday 25th May 2023 at the Swedish Trade Federation in Stockholm.
SBBC’s President, Nathalie Tranefeldt, welcomed the members to the Annual General Meeting. The meeting commenced with the unanimous approval of the agenda and other formalities.
Nathalie presented the Annual Report for the year 2022, highlighting the events and underlining the achievements of the Council. She emphasized that Bangladesh is developing rapidly and positively in many respects, which means that the opportunities for Swedish companies are great, and their presence is increasing every year. Apart from RMG, Genentech, IT, environmental engineering, sustainable infrastructure, health, pharmaceutical and manufacturing production, agro processing and education are prioritized and interesting areas for Swedish companies and industry. SBBC has built a good network and base to facilitate its members and network in doing business with and in Bangladesh.
The Auditor’s Report on financial statement for the year, which ended 31st December 2022 was presented for the members. Amirul Huda audited SBBC accounts for the year 2022. The Auditor’s Report was adopted by the members.
After the meeting, we gathered at Restaurant Shukriya for a Bangladeshi dinner together. A nice day and evening with our members.
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