Dear SBBC members and friends,
2022 is rapidly coming to an end. Reflecting on the year just passed – a lot has happened. Apart from all the cruelty in the world, not the least shown in the Ukraine War, the covid restrictions were finally released and we were all enjoying getting our social and cultural life back. This also meant that SBBC could have its meetings, seminars and get-togethers in real life. This has been an incredible boost, giving us energy and inspiration.
It has indeed been a fruitful year for SBBC. The year started with a webinar on the 10th of February celebrating the 50th anniversary of Sweden-Bangladesh bilateral and diplomatic relations. The theme was “Bangladesh business trading and investments in 2022”. Among the speakers were the Ambassadors from Sweden and Bangladesh as well as members of SBBC.
Our next activity was a physical meeting in the form of an Executive Lounge, which SBBC organised together with the Embassy of Bangladesh in Sweden on the 24th of March. The guest of honour was Mr. Börje Ljunggren, former Ambassador and diplomat, who has devoted most of his career to Bangladesh. The meeting was held at the Embassy of Bangladesh and ended with a delicious Bangladeshi buffet dinner.
SBBC were invited by the Embassy of Bangladesh to a reception on 28th of March. This was held at Courtyard by Marriott in Stockholm to celebrate Independence Day of Bangladesh, which falls on 26th March.
SBBC participated in the launch of a new edition of the Sweden-Bangladesh Business Guide on 30th March. In a video message, I, in my role as President of SBBC, congratulated the Embassy of Sweden in Bangladesh and Business Sweden on this achievement.
Our Annual General Meeting for 2022 was held on 19th May. The annual election was held with all the board members continuing, and a new member was voted in. The meeting ended with a Bangladeshi dinner at Shanti Gossip.
I was invited to participate in a dinner, hosted by the Ambassador of Bangladesh to Sweden on the 3rd of June, in honour of the visit of the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh, H.E. Dr. AK Abdul Momen.
Our autumn programme started with a breakfast meeting on the 6th of September. The new Bangladeshi Ambassador presented himself online and was followed by the second secretary presenting the coming plans of the Embassy. The Swedish Ambassador to Bangladesh gave an online speech after which the First Secretary joined a representative of Business Sweden in introducing the newly established platform Sustainable Fashion by Sweden in Bangladesh.
On the 14th of September, the Secretary of SBBC was invited to a lunch at the Foreign Ministry of Affairs to welcome the new Bangladeshi Ambassador.
We ended the activities for 2022 with a hybrid seminar on “Financing support for business in Bangladesh – and how to manage cash-flows”. The main speakers in the seminar were:
- The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket)
- The Swedish Export Credit Agency (EKN)
- The Swedish loan and business developer Almi
- BRAC Bank of Bangladesh
In addition, two member companies shared their views, experiences and offered advice on financing and money transfers between Bangladesh and Sweden.
We have a range of varied activities planned for next year and are encouraging you, as our members, to actively participate and to tell us what activities you would like to see!
With this summary, I would like to take the opportunity to wish you all a happy and restful Christmas holiday and a prosperous and healthy 2023!
Nathalie Tranefeldt
President of SBBC